
Monday, August 25, 2014

Seriously. Open your own website on your smart phone. Right now.

Okay guys. Seriously.

Take out your smart phone and look at your website. Do it right now. Does it load nicely on your phone? Or are all the images cut off and the text wonky? Can you navigate the site easily with your phone? Or is it difficult to find the buttons?

Now. If it's difficult for you, then it's doubly, trebly difficult for your potential clients who have never been on the site before. And when folks have trouble viewing your website with their handheld devices, they bounce. They just leave and go on to the next option on the google search response page. Let's consider that when we think about the following stat: Over 50% of online buying decisions are initially researched using a handheld device. A bit chilling?

Now, think about this: Most buying decisions are made (including cars, etcetera) before the customer walks in the door. Before the customer speaks to a salesperson. Customers are researching your product or service *right now* and making their decisions. Probaby on their smart phone. Want them to choose your product or service?

Now, think about the fact that these stats are already almost a year old and think about the fact that smartphone usage is expected to be well over 70% of the population within the next year or so. Think about how many folks (even crusty old curmudgeons who hate cellphones) got smartphones in the last year. Consumer behaviour is changing drastically. This is a trend that is ongoing. If you don't get involved, at least in a modest way, it will start affecting your business.

Now. I can help. Contact me *this week* for a no nonsense appraisal of your website and quote and you can have my design services at half price - assuming I receive a depost before the end of the month. (August 31, 2014). And even if you've missed this deadline, my prices are very fair. Seriously. Contact me right now.

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