
Friday, April 25, 2014

Interest Lists: See What You Want To See On Facebook

Facebook has recently changed its algorithms to 'incentivize' companies to use Facebook ads by reducing the number of subscribed followers who see any given post. Companies can increase the number by graphically enriching their posts or by choosing to pay to boost any given post. Fine.

But it kind of leaves the individual out of the equation. What does a real fan do to ensure that she/he/they sees more of what her/his/their favourite company pages have to offer?

The answer is Interest Lists. Interest Lists are a great way of organizing your feed but now the bonus: add your page to an Interest List and Facebook says you will see their 'best' posts. What the word 'best' means I am uncertain, but you will see them. Great.

How do Interests Lists work? A LOT like Twitter lists. You name a list, say IndieRock, and add pages you are interested in to that list. Any time you want to see the feed on that interest, you click on the list. You can create public or private lists or follow other people's lists. For a full description of how to make and use lists, click here, or throw caution to the wind and scroll down to the bottom of your Facebook left side nav bar, click on Interests, and give it a go! Alternatively, you can nav to your favourite pages and add them one by one through the cog menu.

By the way, if you are following me on Facebook, I'd appreciate it if you added me to your Social Media list. I surely would.

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